TC AZ is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) Charity - AZ QCO Code 22218
A private family foundation based here in Maricopa County presented us with a twenty thousand dollar donation to help us fulfill our central mission in 2025. That mission is to provide music therapy to people with Parkinson's disease in an inclusive supportive environment.
This is the third year we have received a grant from this Foundation. As our grant application stated we plan to use the funds so we can give concerts to underserved groups, such as at adult day care facilities and for those with dementia-related disabilities. These funds will help keep our website going. They will help us realize our plans to create a short video history of 30 years of Tremble Clefs AZ. We are indeed thankful for this generous donation.
Grant funded concert at Mary's Place at Benevilla Adult Day Care, August 14, 2024.
The purpose of a music therapy group for Korean speakers with Parkinson’s disease is, first, to provide a social environment with high accessibility as a teletherapy session. Also, as a therapeutic singing group, it aims to improve physiological functioning to meet the needs of individual clients diagnosed with PD since singing increases speech and motor functioning, improving respiratory, phonatory, and articulatory levels of speech.
The program started several years ago in California, but starting in the summer of 2024, Tremble Clefs Arizona now provides the group.
At the beginning, the session starts with simple small talk to provide transitioning time for the group to pay better attention to the session. If there are any questions about their level of singing, difficulties, or tactics, we talk about them. Also, if there’s any beneficial information for people with PD about medical or educational programs, we share that as well.
Then the session starts with the body warm-up, and breathing and vocal exercises. During the intervention, individualized instructions are provided, which would be adapted to the singing activity afterward. When the time allows, we do fine and gross motor interventions to practice and maximize the use of their muscles. If needed, simple homework (e.g., listening to the song, reading the lyrics, etc) will be assigned occasionally to keep track of how they are doing.
Each group member is very respectful, responsible and commits their time and effort to the session. I see the obvious progress every week, and I highly value the atmosphere of the session, as well as the group itself. I hope to expand and share this experience with more people with PD.
For those Koreans who have Parkinson's disease and are interested in this program, please reach out to
The session will be provided fully in Korean language, you are always welcome to join!
한국 음악치료 파킨슨 그룹의 목적은 첫 번째로, 화상 세션인 만큼 높은 접근성으로, 사회적 환경을 제공을 위함 입니다. 또한, 치료적인 합창단으로써, 노래 자체의 역할인 언어와 운동기능을 높이고, 호흡, 음성, 발성적 언어단계의 개입의 요소를 활용하여, 파킨슨을 진단받은 개인들의 니즈를 충족하기 위해, 생리학적 기능을 높이기 위함입니다.
이 프로그램은 몇 년 전에 캘리포니아에서 시작되어, 2024년 여름부터 트렘블 클레프 애리조나에서 서비스를 제공하기 시작하였습니다.
세션 초반에는, 더 나은 집중력을 도모하기 위하여, 간단한 스몰토크로 전환시간을 가집니다. 주제는 매주 다르며, 노래법이나 어려움, 전략등이 있으면 그것에 대하여 대화를 나눕니다. 또한, 파킨슨 병에관한 의료적이나 교육적인 정보가 있다면, 정보적 나눔이 이루어집니다.
그리고나서 세션은 신체적 웜업, 호흡법과 발성법으로 시작됩니다. 이 활동 동안, 개개인의 단계에 따라 맞춤 개입이 들어가며, 후에 노래시 배운것들을 바로 적용하기로 들어갑니다. 시간이 여유가 된다면, 근육의 활용성을 극대화시키기 위하여 소근육과 대근육을 활용한 개입도 들어갑니다. 필요시, 간간히 간단한 숙제 (예를 들어, 간단한 노래들어오기나 가사 읽어오기 등 입니다) 가 나아가는데, 개별적으로 수업을 잘 따라오고 계시는지 확인 하고 필요시 추가적인 개입의 필요성을 확인하기 위함입니다.
모든 그룹멤버분들이 성실하게 참여해주시고, 많은 노력과 시간을 할애해주십니다. 개인적으로 한 분 한 분의 진전도를 매주 확인할 때마다 향상도가 눈에 띠게 보이고, 세션 그룹의 분위기와 그룹 자체적으로 세션이 아주 보람차게 진행됩니다. 이 경험을 더 많은 파킨슨 진단받은 분들과 공유를 하기를 바랍니다.
파킨슨 진단을 받은, 이 프로그램에 관심있으신 한국분이 계시다면, 언제든지 편히 으로 연락주세요. 세션은 100% 한국어로 진행되고, 언제든지 환영합니다!
The Greater Sun Lakes Community Foundation presented our Sun Lakes music therapy group with a thousand dollar check on March 14, 2024. Tremble Clefs AZ Music Director Sun Joo Lee formally accepted the grant. Carolyn Perkins who directs the Sun Lakes Tremble Clefs and Mutsumi Mori their accompanist were present, beaming with happiness, as were the singers. It was a wonderful Thursday morning! Thank you, Sun Joo, for writing the grant to this community organization, which is dedicated to making life better in Sun Lakes.
On Wednsday morning, July 26, 2023, Monica Yelin, Outreach Director for Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, Arizona, 8th District, came to Sun City to present the Special Congressional Recognition Award to the West Side Tremble Clefs. Sun Joo Lee, Music Director, accepted the award on behalf of the group. At the right is a photo of Ms. Yelin (at left) and Ms. Lee holding the certificate.
Ms. Yelin gave a speech that morning. Here is a copy of that speech:
It is an honor to be here with you. Before I begin, please allow me to acknowledge Music Director Sun Joo Lee, members of the board, leadership, volunteers, stakeholders, community partners, donors and anyone involved in this important cause. I also want to celebrate The West Side Tremble Clefs 15-year anniversary, congratulations on this milestone.
Someone once said your illness does not define you, your courage does. To the patients that are here today, know that we admire you. Your spirits are unbreakable, and your resilience is an inspiration to the world.
Since 2008, The West Side Tremble Clefs have been providing music therapy to many of those with Parkinson’s disease, touching countless lives, and leaving profound imprints along the way. But music is much more than melodies and harmony, it is a powerful healer. Whether it’s through friendship, singing, encouragement and love, you have shown an unwavering dedication for others.
Your impact has not gone unnoticed, words can not express our immense gratitude for your remarkable contributions to this community. Thanks to you, those who struggle have not felt alone, you are their heroes and their beacon of hope. The patients and their families may have forgotten what you said or did, but never how you made them feel.
We can not be prouder for having this group in our district, your sense of humanity and volunteerism is inspiring. Because of your compassion and dedication, your organization has been chosen for such a special award. It is my privilege, on behalf of the United States House of Representatives and Congresswoman Debbie Lesko to present you with this Congressional Recognition Award. Thank you for all you do.
Copy of the text of the award presentation speech given by Monica Yelin, Outreach Director, for Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, Arizona, 8th District, on July 26, 2023, in Sun City to the West Side Tremble Clefs.