TC AZ is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) Charity - AZ QCO Code 22218
PD Care Connection
PD Care Connection is a local charity. Its second annual PD Care Connection Experience Event is coming up. It will be March 12 to March 14 at ASU SkySong on Scottsdale Road (cross street McDowell Road), Scottsdale.The 12th is a fee-based seminar.
Thurday March 13 and Friday March 14 are free and provide opportunities to connect with providers, products and services. The Keynote speaker is Dr. Jeffrey Kordower, PhD, Founding Director of ASU-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center. Go to their website for complete information and registration: (link below)
Parkinson’s Foundation
a national organization with a very active Southwest Chapter. Details online and you may contact the Development Director of the Southwest Chapter, Robin Rhea, who can be reached at
Michael J. Fox Foundation
a national organization
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
associated with Barrow Neurological Institute
American Parkinson Disease Association
a national grassroots advocacy organization
The Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s
focus on helping people with Parkinson’s to live well
Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation
serving people with Parkinson’s who live in the Northwest in the states of Washington, Alaska, Idaho & Montana
The European Parkinson Disease Association
information and links to PD organizations throughout Europe
Tremble Clefs of San Diego
discover what another
Tremble Clefs group is doing
Berthold Auerbach
People who live in Maricopa County have an amazing resource available in the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center in Phoenix. It is a Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence. In addition to medical specialists, the center offers a wide range of recreational therapies, such as group exercise classes and art workshops. Educational workshops and support groups are also offered. While many are held at their facility on Thomas Road, others are offered at a variety of locations around the valley. You can access their catalog of activities and a quarterly newsletter online.
To make an appointment with a movement disorder specialist or to learn more about the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center, please call (866) 718-6342.