TC AZ is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) Charity - AZ QCO Code 22218
Don Dotts graduated from Arizona State University and then joined the staff as Alumni Editor. Later he became Executive Director of the ASU Alumni Association, a position he held for 26 years. He spent 42 years on the ASU’s administrative staff. Retired, Don is president of Tremble Clefs Arizona and chairman of the Original Tremble Clefs. He is also on the Board of the Parkinson's Network of Arizona and serves on 5 other non-profit boards in Arizona.
Don’s late wife, Annis, had Parkinson’s disease. They joined Tremble Clefs 20 years ago. Annis had been a music teacher and she really enjoyed Tremble Clefs. Mr. Dotts was amazed at the wonderful effect TC's music therapy had on people with Parkinson’s. When she passed away, he decided that he had to remain involved to help keep this wonderful program thriving.
Born and raised in southern Colorado, he ventured along several pathways before settling on a career with Arizona State Government; the last 21 years as the Ombudsman/Problem Resolution Officer for the Arizona Department of Revenue. He retired six months after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (12 years ago). He joined the Westside Tremble Clef’s four years later and currently serves as Vice President of this group and of Tremble Clef’s Arizona, our 501 C3 umbrella organization currently overseeing four active choirs in the greater Phoenix area. John is convinced that singing enables those with Parkinson’s to have a voice for a much longer time than those with PD who don’t exercise their voices and, as such, enjoy a better quality of life. I invite all individuals with PD to find a choir to join and help us to make a joyful noise together.
Donna was born in Mt. Vernon, IIlinois, and raised in Southern California. Donna Williams Rosenheck earned an undergraduate degree from UCLA and, later in 1997, a Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of South Florida. She and her huband Al lived 17 years in Europe - in London, Milan and Brussels and stateside in CA, FL and AZ.
Donna has worked as a mother of two daughters, volunteer, administrative assistant, teacher and librarian. Before moving to Arizona, she was employed as a Reference Librarian and Literacy Coordinator by the Lee County Public Library System, FL. Her last teaching assignment was as an elementary teacher at the International School of Brussels, Belgium (1984-1991).
When Al was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2004, they immediately shared with family and friends and learned as much as they could about the disease. After their move to Arizona in 2008, they were directed by staff at the Ali Center to the Scottsdale Tremble Clefs. That was in 2009. From the beginning they developed friendships and were active in the group.
Having experienced the positive difference Tremble Clefs made to their lives, Donna, a widow, continues her support of Tremble Clefs Arizona. She serves as Secretary to the Board, edites the newsletter and is our webmaster. She enjoys her family, volunteering and loves to read and go to the movies. No longer a hiker, she enjoys getting out and walking.
Born in Fargo, North Dakota, Ray came from a humble upbringing sharing the household with five siblings.
At the age of 18 he joined the Navy and became a submariner. Following the discipline awarded him in the Military, he then became a police officer for the Bloomington, Minnesota Police Dept. After serving some 27 years in various law enforcement facilities in the state of Minnesota, he and his wife, Judi retired to Strawberry, Arizona.
However, retirement didn’t last long for Ray as he found himself soon taking on the role of Community of Development Director for the town of Payson.
Ray has for a very long time proven that hard work and integrity are crucial to success. He has now retired full time devoting some of his time to West Side Tremble Clefs as their new Treasurer and more recently as a newly elected board member for Tremble Clefs, AZ. as his wife became involved with WSTC following a PD diagnosis. Ray works diligently to ensure the best possible outcome for WSTC and will do the same for Tremble Clefs, AZ.
Ray enjoys woodworking having recently learned how to turn wood on a lathe.
Jim Histand served as the first President of Tremble Clefs Arizona (2018-2019) after shepherding the merger of the West Side Tremble Clefs and the Original Tremble Clefs to form Tremble Clefs Arizona and lead the organization’s successful application for official 501(c)(3) status. Jim also serves as President of West Side Tremble Clefs (2016-current), having served since 2015 as a Steering Committee member. Jim volunteers as Corporate Treasurer and CFO of Crossroad Baptist Church of Arizona, Litchfield Park, and served five years as Treasurer of Westpointe Baptist Church, Goodyear, and five years as a Director and Treasurer of the Sierra Montana Homeowner’s Association, Surprise, Arizona.
He is a former U.S. Air Force Captain having been stationed at Luke AFB, AZ; Bolling AFB, DC, and with the Air Staff at the Pentagon. Jim earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics from Bob Jones University and a Master of Science Degree in Computer Science from New Mexico State University. He moved to Arizona when he retired after 35 years as Minister of Finance, Fairfax Baptist Temple, Fairfax, Virginia, where he was ordained as a minister. Jim was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2009. He has found great vocal benefits from participating in the West Side Tremble Clefs. Retired, he enjoys traveling, reading, ministering to the needs of others, singing, spending time with his family and ‘yarding.’
I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. I was educated in the Philadelphia Parochial School System from grammar school through College. I spent a summer between sophomore and junior year in college working for the War on Poverty in West Virginia. And when I graduated in 1969, I applied and was accepted into the US Peace Corps where I taught English in Lesotho, southern Africa for two years.
I left Lesotho at Christmastime 1971 heading overland by motorcycle to Europe. After seven months on a cycle and 2 hours on a plane, I arrived in Europe, heading directly by train to Geneva, Switzerland to join Jody (my then girlfriend, now wife). We worked there for two years, learned French, made friends and decided our futures were in the USA.
Once back in the US, we got married, drove to Arizona and recommenced our education. A short five years later we were on the move again this time with degrees in linguistics (Jody) and nursing (George) and two beautiful children, heading east and more education for George (MSN) and one more baby born in New Haven while I was at Yale Univ, preparing to be a nurse-midwife.
A short return to Tucson (two years) and then back east to Pennsylvania to begin a 35-year career as a nurse-midwife in Central Pennsylvania.
Once we were both retired, Jody (2014) George (2018) we made plans to return to AZ where our youngest lived with her husband and three children but not before I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (2018).
Once I arrived here in 2019, I was introduced to the Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery (PWR) program at the Jewish Community Center, where I still exercise. From there I discovered and joined Original Tremble Clefs and Dance for PD. I have participated in numerous PD studies in an ongoing attempt to find a cure for PD, including the ground-breaking Parkinson’s Progressive Marker Initiative (PPMI). In the last several years I have become a Parkinson’s Foundation Ambassador and recently MC'ed their Phoenix Moving Day Walk fundraiser where we raised over $150,000.00 for PD research and programs.
Now I have been asked to join the Board of Directors for Arizona Tremble Clefs. What could be better?
Sun Joo Lee was born in Seoul Korea and has an undergraduate degree in Voice Performance from SungShin Women’s University in Seoul. She moved to Arizona in 2003 and received her Master’s degrees in Music Therapy and Voice Performance from Arizona State University in 2008. Upon graduation Ms. Lee was approached by the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center in Phoenix to establish a singing group for people with Parkinson’s disease in the Sun City area. She is director of the group which is now the West Side Tremble Clefs. Later that same year, she accepted the position as Music Director of the Original Tremble Clefs, a choral group for people with Parkinson’s founded in Scottsdale in 1994.
Sun Joo Lee works as a Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC) and is certified as a Neurologic Music Therapist Fellow. As owner and clinical director of Sunshine Music Therapy, LLC, Ms. Lee’s work focuses on neurological diseases, such as strokes, dementia, PD and Alzheimer’s. She has been a pre-clinical supervisor at Arizona State University and enjoys teaching others to become music therapists.
In the Fall of 2021, Ms. Lee accepted the challenge of obtaining a PhD in Music Education, specializing in Music Therapy. She is pursuing her doctoral degree at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Sun Joo continues to direct Zoom sessions and administer the music therapy program for Tremble Clefs Arizona. She is an integral part of our program. As the Music Director Ms. Lee is an ex-officio member of the Board of Tremble Clefs Arizona.
My name is Jae Young Jung, MM, MT-BC, NMT, and I am a Music Therapist. I am the co-facilitator of the Korean Zoom. I received my bachelor's degree in Voice Performance and Psychology in South Korea. My first Master's degree is in Music Therapy from Arizona State University. I received a second Master's degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Health System Management from Grand Canyon University.
I am a Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC) and mainly work with pediatrics with or without diagnosis, as well as at risk of disability. I am currently pursuing PhD in Learning, Literacies, and Technologies at Arizona State University. My specialized area is socio-emotional development regardless of chronological age, and inclusive learning environments. I found it very interesting that the therapeutic approach towards pediatrics aligns with the one towards older adults, and I am very honored to have an opportunity to work with Tremble Clefs Arizona. I hope to provide beneficial client-oriented learning resources and contribute my empirical knowledge to the group.
안녕하세요, 현재 Tremble Clefs Arizona 에서 한인 합창단 음악 치료 세션을 담당 하고 있는 음악치료사, 정재영 이라고 합니다. 저는 학부에서 성악과 심리학을 전공하고, 첫 번째 석사를 애리조나 주립 대학교에서 음악치료 전공 후 두 번째 석사를 그랜드 캐니언 대학교에서 MBA (세부전공; 의료경영)를 취득 하였습니다. 음악치료 공인자격증을 취득 후 주로 영유아 및 학령기의 아동들과 일을 해왔습니다. 현재 애리조나 주립 대학교에서 Learning, Litercies, and Technologies 과 (교육학과) 에서 박사학위 공부 중에 있고, 세부 분야는 연대적 나이를 벗어나 사회-정서 발달 단계 기반으로 통합 교육 환경을 제공하는 것입니다. 연구 중에 아이들을 위한 치료 접근법이 노인분들을 위한 치료 접근법과 기능적인 유사함을 발견하여, 이렇게 한인 동포 분들과 함께 일할 수 있는 귀한 기회를 얻게 되었습니다. 저의 학업적, 임상적 배경을 바탕으로, 유익한 세션을 제공하는 데에 힘쓰길 기대하고 있습니다. 감사합니다.
Kiersten, a classically trained soprano, began her college career as a Vocal Performance major, having placed in many local and state vocal competitions. However, after witnessing the positive effects Music Therapy had on her grandfather who was in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, she decided to instead pursue Music Therapy for her career.
She completed her Music Therapy internship with Sunshine Music Therapy, LLC in the spring of 2020 and in the future intends to become a board-certified Music Therapist.
Kiersten has been a staff singer at Saint Barnabas on the Desert Episcopal Church in Paradise Valley since 2018, and in her free time plays her guitar to her four cats and enjoys being serenaded by her equally musical husband, Josh.
Carolyn began her musical studies on piano at 6 years of age and violin at age 8. She studied piano with Dr. Rudolph Hainke and violin with Olea Keinke, both of SLC Utah. She was concert mistress in the Utah Youth Symphony and sang in the Salt Lake Oratorio Society.
Moving to Seattle , she studied voice with Frances George Jones at the U. of Washington. While working full time, she founded the Handbell Choir, Junior Choir and Youth Choirs at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Renton WA, also directing the Adult Choir from 2001 to 2012. She organized numerous choir festivals for the performing groups of the church. She also produced a major Christmas Cantata each December utilizing the choirs, handbells, dancers and art to raise funds for ARISE, Men’s Homeless Shelter and for youth missions each year. She organized a Summer Fine Arts Academy for the community in 2010 and 2011 that drew one hundred children from the community.
After moving to Chandler Arizona in 2012, Ms. Perkins organized Art Explorers for Special Needs Children at Desert Cross Lutheran Church in Gilbert. She earned a Three-Year Worship and Music Certificate from the Louisville Presbyterian Church in 2011, having the opportunity to study World Music with Dr. Michael Hawn and choral music with Dr Madeline Bridges. In 2012, she completed first level Kodaly and Orff at ASU.
She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from ASU in Music Therapy in 2019, also studied voice with Ann Elgar Kopta, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Carolyn’s internship in 2019 and 2020 gave her the opportunity to work with Alzheimer’s Patients, clients with Traumatic Brain injury and children on the Autism spectrum. She currently directs the Adult and Junior Choirs at Desert Cross Lutheran Church in Gilbert AZ and teaches privately.
I grew up loving music and singing. I studied musical theatre in Junior College and at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. In New York City I attended the Shakespeare Conservatory, a two-year program where I honed my acting, singing and dance skills. I toured the east coast for a year with a theater company performing Oedipus Rex and Twelfth Night. I sang in clubs and worked in theaters from New York to Los Angeles.
In 2018, I joined the Original Tremble Clefs to sing with my sister Patti, who has Parkinson’s disease. It reminded us of our childhood, singing together again. Everyone was so welcoming and supportive. It is a wonderful group and now it is my honor to help as interim music conductor. I am married and have three great kids.
Mutsumi Mori holds bachelor's degrees in Choral Music Education and Piano Performance from Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff. She received her master's degree in Collaborative Piano and Vocal Coaching from the University of Minnesota where she studied with the renowned vocal coach and collaborative pianist, Margo Garrett. Besides being the accompanist with the Original Tremble Clefs, Scottsdale, she is the pianist for Sonoran Desert Chorale and other choirs and instrumentalists. Ms. Mori is also organist/pianist for St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Chandler.
Jan Schaafsma has been an accompanist for many years. Since third grade, she has accompanied many school choirs, church choirs, and musicians. In Jr. High she began to play the pipe organ for church services, weddings, and more - continuing for over 45 years. During this time, she also performed solos on both piano and organ. She was an accompanist for performances of the Messiah, choral groups, and two ladies’ chorus groups in the state of Indiana. Teaching piano in her home, she had many students over the years.
Jan and her husband Wayne moved to Arizona 8 years ago from NW Indiana. They have 3 married children and 7 wonderful grandchildren. She attended Calvin University in Michigan. Jan has been in real estate for over 39 years.
When Jan began accompanying the Sonoran Sounds over four years ago, she met Sun Joo Lee who at that time was director of the chorus. That’s where Jan first heard about Tremble Clefs. Recently Sun Joo learned from Mina DeWitt that she was leaving her position as accompanist for Tremble Clefs in the west valley. With Mina was stepping down, Sun Joo asked Jan if she would like to accompany Tremble Clefs next season. Jan immediately said “yes!"
Linus Jung is from Daegu, South Korea. He has a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance from Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea. During these years, he presented solo performances and played with Keimyung University Orchestra and Nagasaki Youth Orchestra. In 2006, Mr. Jung received his Master of Music degree in Piano Performance from Arizona State University with an emphasis in classical music. He studied under Professor Robert Hamilton.
Most recently Mr. Jung taught piano at Brophy College Preparatory, Phoenix, and was the piano accompanist for the three student choirs. He has worked as the piano choir accompanist at various churches and has given individual piano performances. Since the early 1990s he has individually instructed piano to both adults and children.